Thursday, March 13, 2008

A case of BBS

Here I was, thinking that I've surpassed yet another so called pregnancy symptom, along with throwing up and having weird cravings (which I have yet to have).

Nope, I was wrong. I have developed BBS, or Baby Brain Syndrome. BBS entails lack of memory, random mumblings of made up words and for simpler terms: just being dumb.

I was talking with Jeremy on the phone today and I mentioned that I was going to get a coke Slurpee on the way home from work (nothing makes you feel better like a Slurpee). He remarked how he had one yesterday.

And, here's the conversation starting yesterday:

Me: "Hey let's get Slurpee's tonight".
Jer: "I already had one today".
Me: "You had a Slurpee?!! You didn't tell me!"
Jer: "Um, yes I did, in fact I was talking on the phone with you earlier WHILE drinking it and saying how yummy* it was." (*note, the term 'yummy' will be denied by Jer if asked)
Me: "Hmmm, I don't remember that conversation."


Fast forward to later that night:

Me: "You know, a Slurpee sounds good"
Jer: "....yeah, like the Slurpee I got today"
Me: "What??! You got a Slurpee? I want a Slurpee!"
Jer: "Yes dear, I told you on the phone earlier today WHILE I was drinking it. Remember?"
Me: "I don't recall"


Fast forward to today's phone conversation:

Me: "I think I'm going to stop and get a coke Slurpee after work"
Jer: "Yeah, you mentioned how you wanted one yesterday, especially after I mentioned that I had one.
Me: "HUH? When did you get a Slurpee?!"
Jer: "You're kidding, right?"


And so, concludes the arrival of BBS or my wonderful baby brain. I think the baby is sucking all my mental strength. Good for him.

Me pregnant. Me have bad brain. Me get Slurpee now


Unknown said...

Hey Mommy Elly and Daddy Jeremy,
I just wanted to tell you it is only the beginning of the forgetting things... Josh is almost two now and I still forget things... It always gives Dave a good laugh...


Katie said...

Yep, I thought baby brain would disappear once I held Marisa, but nope. I still forget stuff and my kids at work say "Katie remember when you said..." and I look at them like "huh?" Ask Derek, I can't remember ANYTHING. Post it's post it's are your friend.

Matt said...

This made me laugh!!!