Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's in a Name?

Why can’t we pick a name?

One of the best parts to having a child, is the privilege of naming him. This tiny miracle of creation that was made from love and dedication, will embrace a chosen name that will become his identity as he sets forth into this world.

No pressure, right?

I doubt if guys have ever really thought about this growing up, but us girls have already picked names for our future child, ever since we ourselves were a child. These golden names tucked away under lock and key in the back of our minds. We know the name for boy or girl, even before we ever have the official “baby chat” or for that matter, even meet our significant other to whom will be a part of this whole baby making process. The names have been chosen and set in stone.

But, there’s one small thing glitch in the plan us girls had. When it finally does come down to naming the child, we never really considered our partner’s preferences on names, which are, of course, completely contradictive to our golden names.

So, the stubborn conflict and argument begins.

Me: “I’ve always like Lucas”

Him: “Sounds too much like Mucus….no way”

Him: “How about Bruce”

Me: “Um…no.”

This goes on for months. Names are thrown at each other, and shot down before they even hit the floor. Baby name books are highlighted and dog-eared. Names are circled, scribbled, then circled again beyond comprehension. The names become a blur of consonants and vowels. And, desperate moments come when some random ancient Japanese name doesn’t sound half bad.

The cat was so easy to name. Why can’t we just agree on a name for this boy?

The problem I’ve faced has come down to either stubbornness or settling. There are names I simply cannot part with, however, this comes from the other end of the parent as well. We both have names we each love…but not for each others. So, does one of us cave in for the other’s passion and settle on a name we’re only so-so on? If we can’t give in to each other, do we simply find one we marginally agree on, simply to name this child? Can I live with a name that I don’t love?

I could be devious into attempting to get my golden names. I could wait till during and after labor, when he will see how much I’ve gone through to produce this tiny joy and is simply overcome by a flood of happiness that he will simply agree to anything I suggest. It could work….right?

Here are a few very narrowed choices that we can somewhat agree on. Mind you some names I love and others he loves, but nothing conclusive, and each have their own issues.

Luke - Jeremy (and I) are quite the Star Wars enthusiast, so we're afraid people will think that's why we chose that name. It’s not quite the reason for our choice, but nonetheless, should that be an issue? Plus, it may not flow to well with the last name of Treat. (And, no, I have not taken this last name myself, as of yet. Yes, it may be a controversial topic for another time, but this is 2008, people)

Malcolm - We chose this name because we adore the character from the sci-fi show, Firefly. However, do we really love the name or just the character behind the name? Plus, Mal in Latin means, “bad”. Should that be an issue? Is Latin even a language people care about anymore, let alone know?

Logan – This is one of my personal favorites out of the list, but will kids associate him with the comic book character, Wolverine? Do people even know that that's Wolverine's name? But, a cool associate, I think? Every kid loves Wolverine, right? And, every woman loves Hugh Jackman, right?

Brendan – Cute and simple, but to me it sounds a bit too "All American boy next door". I'd like some uniqueness for a name that doesn’t just sound like every other name out there.

Atlas – He’s a Greek mythological character (which I would love to throw in my heritage), but people don't usually know that historical reference. "Oh, like the map?" people say. There are tons of stranger , even made up names, so, why does this one get such funny looks?

I’ve thrown out many polls for people to chose their favorites from our small list. The results are never truly conclusive to one name. Great. All that proved was everyone has their own opinions of what sounds good. But, it doesn’t get me any closer to deciding on a name.

Should I care what other people think? Isn’t the name something my husband and I should love and cherish, not just what other people love? I keep waiting for that “Ah Ha!” moment of clarity where we both cannot see this unborn child named anything but that golden name.

I don’t know. This naming thing is giving me a headache. Maybe by the time the kid is thirty, we’ll have come up with a name.


Katie said...

Luke is such a nice, strong name. Who cares if people associate it with your love for Star Wars. Didn't I tell you that my SIL's older sister named her kids Andrew Riker, Jordie Alyssa and Deanna Troy?? Yep...Next Generation fans right there.

If we have another girl Derek wants to name her Leia!!!!

Sarah Anne said...

I'm still waiting for Jeremy to have the "ah ha" moment with my gem (I almost typed "Jem" haha, stupid holograms!) of a name, "Jack Harrison Treat." It is truly perfection. Maybe if we just repeat the name enough times it will stick!

-Sarah (you know, EcstaticUtahMommy) :P