Monday, April 21, 2008

Now playing in 3D....

So, my previous theory of my “alien baby” has proven me wrong. We are indeed having a human baby as proof from the 3D ultrasound we had over the weekend. Unfortunately, he was sleeping the entire session and had his arms mostly covering his face. Ironically, his arms were in the same position as mine were as I laid there during the ultrasound. Ah, like mother, like son.

I was hoping we’d have an epiphany moment for a name. I figured, we’d see his face (or as good as the 3D representation was) and say, “Ahhhh, he looks like a ……”. But, alas, nothing inspirational came to mind. I think we were more in awe of the technology to actually see our baby in more or less real form.

At first glance, I immediately thought he looked like Jeremy. But then certain shots, I thought he looked more like me. Jeremy came to that same uncertain conclusion. As far as our parents thoughts on who the baby looked like: mine said me, his said Jeremy. Of course.

Oh, and this time the cheesy background music was Enya, so slightly better and less nauseating than the last session.

So, I proudly present to you, now in 3D….the one, the only……our alien ba, er….our baby boy!


Amber said...

He looks like a cutie patootie!

Those cheeks and lips! Too much cute for one baby!

And I still say he looks like a Miles. Just photoshop some glasses on there.... total Miles Atlas Treat!

Unknown said...

Glad you had a fun experience this weekend. I bet you can't wait to see him in person now! I know that I would be.

He is going to be a cutie! Love you guys and can't wait to see you soon!


Katie said...

Oh man, he's soooo cute!!!!!

Matt said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nev said...


Don't name him Miles