Monday, June 9, 2008

What birth plan?

As I gave my last farewell embrace, I drove away from my job Friday afternoon with a bitter sweet lump in my throat. Yes, I know I’ll be back in a mere few months, but I couldn’t help but feel just a little sad for leaving the people I see and work closely with on a daily basis. Blame it on the incremental hormones…..

But, on the other hand…..waking up today, Monday morning, without the alarm ringing in my ear, was a breath of fresh air. I think I’ll do just fine.

Unfortunately, I’ve come down with a cold. And summer colds are the worst. Don’t even mind being nine month pregnant on top of it. Needless to say, it’s been a pretty lousy start to my so called ‘vacation’.

So, what does a sicky do all day? Watch horrific day time TV, in between taking naps with the cat, of course.

While lounging I subconsciously turned to TLC, which happened to have a few episodes of Baby Story, a show where a couple is video taped before, during and after the birth of their child.

Now, is this really smart for me to be watching right now? Only a mere couple weeks away from my own due date (but crossing fingers for sooner)?

Watching these happy and casual woman nonchalantly nudge their sleeping husbands awake to rush to the hospital, only to transform into a scary, growling in pain creature, with a camera documenting every point of view (literally).

One lady in particular had a rough time, laboring for hours upon hours. She uncomfortably walked up and down the hospital halls and crawled in and out of the birthing bath. After hours, she finally gave birth to a baby girl, right there in the bath. A tummy churning, yet amazing thing to watch on this show. Although, I don’t think Jeremy so much liked bringing his eyes from his laptop just in time to watch that birth.

All the books and all the research online says to create a birthing plan. I know some women are adamant about how they want their labor experience to go: Drugs or no drugs, just their husband or the entire family to watch, candles, music, shadow puppets, contemporary interpretive dance….. the list can be anything.

Now ask me if I’ve made a birth plan.


My idea is this: It’s not about this ‘romanticized’ idea of how I want my birthing experience to be. It’s not going to be this glorious time in my life. It’s probalby going to be one of the most difficult times in my life. But, it’s not about me. It’s about whatever is needed to produce a healthy baby in the end. That’s all that matters.

That said, I can hope for an easy labor, but I’m not closing my eyes to the very real idea that it’s going to be insane. I’m keeping an open mind. If I need drugs and the epidural, bring ‘em on! If I end up needing a c-section, that’s ok too. I don’t pass up the novocaine, simply because I want to experience the joy of my wisdom teeth pulled out.

All of these things are not going to rob me the experience of having a baby.

As someone told me once, you don’t get an award for being super labor mom. Because in the end….who cares? If in the end, someone is sad or upset that labor didn’t go the way they planned, then they’re missing the whole point of why that little baby is in their arms in the first place.

Now, all that being said, do you think the hospital would mind if I just took a shot or two of tequila during the labor?


Unknown said...

Birth plans are dumb. Ok, plans beyond drugs/no_drugs and who can be in the birthing room are dumb. 'Cause you're either: 1. Preoccupied, 2. Drugged up, 3. distracted by the pain, or 4. Too tired to care. And any plans that you make in advance are often thrown out the window by the reality of the situation.

I doubt that the Docs will allow you to drink alcohol before birth, but I know of one mother who cracked open a Guinness immediately after!

Nev said...

I vote drugs.

Katie said...

Good for you. Birth plans are a crock and if a woman goes in thinking it will go exactly as her birth plan dictates, she's a smoking crack. I didn't have one and if I did...pssshhhh, it would never have been implemented in my course of labor an deliver.

The only thing I had planned was to have an epidural. That saved my life because I thought I'd be ok through contractions for a while, but I could not stand them. People say you forget them, but I don;t think i ever will. For wimpy me...they hurt alot.

Oh and I thought we'd be there for hours...nope, I was induced with pitocin at 6:30am, and by 11:05am Marisa was born via c-section, so all my sudoku books and candy went untouched.

I'm praying for you guys and I love you. Make sure Jer updates us. Those of us way out here in the South are anxiously awaiting the baby boys arrival!!!!

Amber said...

What Katie said^^^^

I just don't understand the idea of birth plans. I mean sure, you can anticipate what might happen, but you can't *plan* your labor.

There are so many variables, not just from woman to woman, but from birth to birth.

I was convinced that I would want some major drugs, and epidural, and a shot (or 5) of whiskey while I was in labor. But for whatever reason, I didn't need any of those things.

A woman can plan for a "natural" birth, but realize once she's in heavy labor that she can't be an active participant in the process without some pain relief.

You just can't plan for this stuff.

While I'm at it, what's up with the term "natural" childbirth? Is there anything UNnatural about a woman who gives birth via c-section? No, so why is it so common to use the term "natural" childbirth? Ugh. Sorry, pet peave.

Unknown said...

Things never go according to plan... I agree with Katie! You know how it went for me! I would never go back on it for the world!The epidural was the best thing I could have ever said yes too! We can't wait to see this little boy too...

You didn't hear it from me but I told Jeremy too.. yes, you can have some tequila towards the end! You can also be intimate with your husband if you really want the labor to start! My own doctor told me that. It worked for a friend of mine..

Love ya and miss ya lots! I am thinking about you as the time gets closer for you. We are excited and Joshua can't wait to have another little one to play with!

Love ya,

Nev said...

Drugs. Lots of drugs.

Anonymous said...

Well said.